Square Root of 108

How to find the square root of a number in steps:

  1. You find the two whole numbers that you can times by themselves that your number is in between. For this example it’s 10 and 11 because 10*10=100  11*11=121
  2. So you know that the square root of 108 must be in between 10 and 11 because 108 is in between 100 and 121.
  3. Now it will be easier if you find the middle number of 100 and 121. Which is 10.5.
  4. So then you times 10.5 by 10.5 and see what the answer is. Which is 110.25
  5. So then you know that the square root of 108 is less than 10.5. And you know it’s more than 10 so you guess a number then you try it.
  6. So we’re going to try 10.4.           10.4*10.4 is about 108