Student-Led Conference’s

  • I can add and subtract negative numbers.

  • I can multiply and divide negative numbers fairly well, it only took me four minutes to do fifteen problems with thirteen correct.
  •  I can’t preform the distributive property with multi-step equations very well, I’ve been working on it thirty-nine minutes total to do sixteen problems total only getting three correct.
  • I can combine like terms and I can’t  combine like terms using the distributive property, I never finished it.
  • I can evaluate positive, negative and zero exponents, it only took  twenty-three minutes for me to do sixty problems getting thirty-five problems correct without using any hints.
  • I can simplify expressions using exponents, you can tell because it only took nineteen minutes to do seventeen problems  getting ten correct.

I think I should get an A or a B. I can do almost all of the criteria for this class. If you want proof then you can just look up and see where I typed what I got on Khan Academy.